So there has definitely been a lot of talk about Van Halen these days. New album. New tour. Back in the day (we’re talking 8th grade or so) I was a HUGE Van Halen fan (probably like a few of you). I remember making calls about picking up a Kramer guitar. This was WAY before I even held a guitar in my hands for the first time. So I guess, the reason I play guitar today is because of Eddie? Maybe.
I was bummed reading about Eddie’s behavior from Sammy on the last tour (I can’t remember if it was the last tour or not) and seeing some of the few clips where Eddie definitely wasn’t Eddie of old. I really hope for 2012 things are better for him. Yesterday, I saw that Lava Cables posted a photo of Eddie Van Halen’s pedal board from the recent gig at Cafe Wah (which I believe is the first show of their tour on Jan 5th).
Here is the photo that was posted and the breakdown of Eddie Van Halen’s pedals:
Here is the breakdown of pedals
MXR M234 Analog Chorus
Custom Mute Box
Dunlop EVH EVH95 Wah
Boss OC-3 Super Octave
MXR EVH117 EVH Flanger
MXR EVH Phase 90
G-LAB PB-1 Power Supply
6 loop bypass switch
4 loop bypass switch