I have a weird obsession and/or preference when it comes to guitars. I like aluminum. Specifically, I like aluminum necks. Love em. Love em. Love em. Aluminum has been used for necks for a while, but never really took off. Velenos in the early 70s, Travis Bean guitars in the mid 70s followed by Kramers, etc. Kevin Burkett of Electrical Guitar Company (EGC) has taken the concepts from those earlier guitars (Velenos and Beans) and developed his own style of guitar. Finding the good stuff from those earlier models and addressing and fixing the bad issues with those guitars and adding his own flair for the cool, he has developed a series of guitars and basses.. that simply kick ass. I am very proud to wear a Electrical Guitar Company t-shirt for Free Shirt Wednesday this week! I currently own a EGC Standard (all aluminum) and I’m waiting for my Series One to be completed… and I can’t wait.
If you’re a fan of the aluminum sound, you must seriously look at Electrical Guitar Company. EGCs are known for quality in tone and material. Bands playing EGCs are.. but not limited to: My Disco, Shellac, Melvins, Kylesa, The Jesus Lizard, ISIS, Jacks Mannequin, Belini/Uzeda, Bear Claw, etc.
Aluminum necks provide a unique tone and great note sustain. If you’re curious about aluminum necks check out Electrical Guitar Company.
Now, if you want to be featured on Free Shirt Wednesday.. it’s really quite simple. Send me a shirt, if it’s music related (ie: guitar builder, band, pedal builder, guitar shop, recording studio, etc) I’ll dedicate a blog post about your biz, band, etc. I’ll take a photo with my aging, slightly pudgy mug and post it. Great simple, cheap form of advertising. Still interested? Then check this page for more info
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