I need to start off with saying RIP Lemmy. It was such a huge loss in the world of music. I remember when he passed away, it seemed like such a sidenote on the major news channels, but I was so happy to see the massive sentiments by friends posting on Facebook and other social networks. It wasn’t mainstream, but neither was Lemmy Kilmister.
About 5 years ago, I actually had a chance to meet him when Motörhead was on tour with Foo Fighters. It was a crazy night (if you’re into it, you can read about it here). I thought he was incredible nice and gracious. He will be missed.
This morning I came across one of my favorite YouTube channels – Guitar Moves by Noisey and saw that there was a recent episode with Lemmy, which was one of his last interviews before he passed away. I thought you guys might want to check it out
Guitar Moves with Lemmy
Thanks Guitar Moves for posting this! Let me know what you guys think by commenting below!