Today we’re going to talk about Ed O’Brien Pedalboard! Ed O’Brien is the guitarist for the great band, Radiohead. He is well known for his use of guitar pedals, and the Radiohead recordings throughout the years illustrates the very beautiful use of effects in their sound.
On a personal level, I began to appreciate Radiohead much later. For some reason I couldn’t “get it”, and I’m even talking about their classic 2000 album – Kid A. All of my friends were totally into Radiohead, but for whatever reason, it just wasn’t clicking with them. About 5 years ago, I finally understood Radiohead and began to play catch up! Strange how that can happen with a few bands. I’m glad that I didn’t completely give up on them. Now, I greatly appreciate the band!
If you’re not familiar with Ed in particular, watch this great interview video where Ed talks about his Strats, Vibro King amps and effects:
I was super excited to see the guys at GigRig posting a couple of photos of O’Brien’s live pedalboard. The guys at GigRig were kind enough to let me re-post those photos. If you haven’t checked out GigRig, I would highly recommend giving them a look. I see their QuarterMaster true bypass strip on a few ‘star’ boards (see Foals)
And here is the same board, but from a different angle. You can see the 4 pedals below and behind the GigRig G2 controller:
Here is the pedalboard break down of Ed O’Brien’s Pedalboard:
Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah
GigRig Generator Modular Power Supply
GigRig Cinco Cinco Patch Bay
Digitech Whammy
Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man (vintage)
Diamond Tremolo
Pigtronix Infinity Looper
Pigtronix Infinity Remote Switch
TC Electronic Polytune
Korg SDD-3000 Delay
GigRig G2
Dinossural Compressor
Moer Eleclady Flanger
J Rocket Archer
Dean Markley Overlord
Please let me know if you see anything incorrect. Also, let me know what you think of Radiohead, Ed O’Brien or this board by commenting below! Let’s get a discussion going!
10 years ago
The very first time I heard “Creep” I became a little curious about Radiohead. A year and a half later I read a review of the back then just released “The bends” and made probably my best “blind buy” so far: an album that 20 years later sounds as fresh as ever.
From “Kid A” on the band has been following a path I can barely connect with. The last album (*I can’t even remember it’s name!) was the first one of theirs I decided not to buy. Call me reactionary, but I still miss the times when they wrote/released strong songs and not only laptop-jams…
In terms of creative, textural guitar interplay I still find a lot to learn from songs like “Planet telex”, “Airbag” or “Subterranean homesick alien”, to name a few.
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10 years ago
The Korg SDD-3000 pedal is the bomb, by the way. Completely love it. Even if you just use it for the preamp. But, yeah, it found a firm place on my board recently.
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6 years ago
Hello friends,
What is the laser pen Ed O’Brien uses in the IN RAINBOWS live basement video?Best,