It’s been a little while since I brought up a Coffee and Riffs episode. Coffee and Riffs is one of my favorite things to watch. It’s not a demo, but a video that shows possibilities with a combination of pedals. Usually the guitar playing (or with other instruments) is handled by a guest, etc. I love the videos cause they get my creative juices flowing. They’re inspirational and cool, and you do get to hear different pedals. Some great decisions. Some not-so-great decisions, but all very cool and interesting.
This episode (Thirty Eight) features Chris Conley of Saves the Day on a Fender Stratocaster. The quote that started it off.. “Make some loops. Shred some licks. It’s going to be amazing.”
Watching this video, which had a couple of fuzzes, I was totally digging the main riff loop. Crazy fuzz, and the fuzz I like – which I often refer to the rubbing balloons together type of fuzz vs. ear-knife type of fuzz. I like the separation on the low end. During that loop the main fuzz loop is awesome. I believe this is a combination of the Dr. Scientist Frazz Dazzler and the Little Axe Gatekeeper.
Check it out:
I wanted to know a little more about the Little Axe Gatekeeper. Little Axe was biz prior to Walrus Audio, and the Gatekeeper was their fuzz. Hard to find. Hard to get. I contacted Brady directly to see if any were around, and he let me know that Old Blood Noise Endeavors re-issued the Gatekeeper.. and it’s now called the Haunt Fuzz. I so want this!!!
I also dug when Chris went into the higher register melody when he kicked on the Green House Effects Stone Fish Chorus.
Here is the listing of pedals used in this episode of Coffee and Riffs:
Little Axe Gatekeeper
Walrus Audio Mayflower
Dr. Scientist Frazz Dazzler
Green House Effects Stonefish Chorus
Strymon Blue Sky Reverb
Earthquaker Devices Rainbow Machine
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Black Fountain (prototype)
TC Electronic Ditto Looper
Let me know what you think by commenting below! Also, don’t forget to enter in the T-Rex Replay Box Delay Give Away, you wouldn’t want to miss out on this one!
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