Today’s pedal line is from Brett Modglin. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
SKB PS-45 Board
Mister Crybaby Super Wah
Fender Tuner
MXR Super Comp
Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive
Ibanez TS-9
Boss DS-1
Marshall Guv’Nor Plus
Line 6 DL4
Digitech Whammy out to Mesa Boogie Lonestar 2×12
Ibanez SC-10 Chorus out to Fender Deluxe Reverb
1996 Fender Teleplus
Twitter handle is brettmodglin
10 years ago
Very cool setup, curious how the Whammy works end of chain especially with a split signal.