As pedals get more and more popular, one problem continues to happen for the pedal enthusiasts. We run out of pedal board real estate. You’re sometimes faced with that horrible decision of removing a pedal to get a new one on the board. After enough of this, you realize you *need* all of these pedals to do what you need to do. Your only real option is go get a bigger board. That would solve a lot, but thankfully, builders are trying to help out. Mini-pedals. Pedals with a smaller footprint get a bit more space on the board.
I was particularly interested when I saw the TC Electronics Flashback Mini. You usually don’t see delays in the *mini* form factor. Lots going on under the hood, so it was impressive to see that TC Electronics was able to squash the Flashback into this enclosure.
Here is the official promotion video for the TC Electronics Flashback Mini:
As you can see/hear.. that’s pretty cool. The Tone Print capability is a great option to dial in a rough preset and use the mini to manage that preset. If you tweak between delay modes, then you might need to stick with the standard Flashback.
You can currently pick up the TC Electronics Flashback Mini at Musician’s Friend for only $110.12 and this includes FREE shipping!
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