Today’s pedal line is from Larson Lind. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include iany links to your band or music page.
I’m Larson, guitarist and singer for Dusty McQueen. We’re a Punk/Post-Hardcore two piece out of Laramie, WY
I use a Gibson SG Standard and from there into my pedals:
1) Boss TU-3 – Rock solid tuner
2) Diamond Compressor – My “always on” pedal, helping with string separation and clarity when the dirt is on
3) Earthquaker Devices Organizer – I use the octave down and a little of the octave up to make a few solos a bit more interesting
4) Acid Age Supercollider – This is used as a lead boost and for any heavier parts in general
5) Earthquaker Devices Monarch – My main dirt pedal, the only one I’ve been completely happy with for an amp-like sound. Running it at 18V really extends the low end of the pedal and is perfect for making our 2 piece sound huge.
6) MXR Carbon Copy – Great little analog delay, and getting it to self-oscillate is a ton of fun!
All of this runs into an Ampeg V4B-AV and Fender Twin Reissue. Thanks for checking it out!
Band links are: