This morning I came across a great video by chicagomusicexchange – a bass fuzz pedal shootout! I definitely get asked about good fuzz for bass, and I’ve recommended a couple of these, but it’s really cool to see them side by side so you can see the differences. The video is fairly quick and there is no ‘dialing’ going on, but you get a general sense of the overall fuzz tones happening.
When it comes to bass and fuzz, it’s important that the fuzz is actually heard in the mix. Often time, fuzz will get lost, so think about the mid-range growl and the top note harmonics in the fuzz.. and think about how it will fit in with the guitar(s). Something that might not sound super great in the video.. might actually cut and be great in the band setting.
Here is the video:
Here were the fuzz pedals used in the demo:
Death by Audio Fuzz War
Devi Ever Ruiner
JHS Pandamonium Bass Preamp & Fuzz <= discontinued
Electro Harmonix Big Muff Bass Pi
Zvex Woolly Mammoth
So what stood out for you? What was not great? What fuzz would you call the most useful? What fuzz would cut the mix the best? Let me know by commenting below!
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