Today’s pedal line is from Mike of Queen City Riot. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
Hi. Name’s Mike. I like the pretty pictures you post on Fridays. Here’s my rig for Queen City Riot. Like a book: Leslie Combo Preamp, Riotbox Rusty Crunch 120, Memory Man (1), Memory Man (2), Peterson Stomp Classic, DIY tube mixer.
Signal Flow: (it changes from time to time) Guitar=>Peterson tuner=>input of the tube mixer. The tube mixer has two outputs with independent active volume controls for both channels. The output of channel “A” goes to the input of the Leslie Combo Preamp, which is connected to a real vintage Leslie 147. Output B goes to the input of my Gravitone 30 tube amp (an upcoming release from LBA) and Mesa 4×12 loaded with Celestion Alnico Blue speakers. The tube mixer has an FX loop as well. Connected to the FX loop is my DIY high voltage vacuum tube distortion pedal, followed by a pair of EHX Memory Man delay pedals in series. When the tube mixer is bypassed via onboard stomp, it cuts the signal to channel A (the Leslie), bypasses the volume control on channel B (Gravitone + 4×12), and accesses the mixers FX loop. When the Mixer is activated, the FX loop is bypassed and the incoming signal is distributed to both channel’s A & B with their respective volume controls active.
BTW, that little jobbie at the bottom of the shot is a home-made power conditioner. Much better than those crummy Furrymen!
10 years ago
Mike, where did you get the schematic for the power conditioner and the tube mixer? Thanks