Today’s pedal line is from Bruce Lyons. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
This is a picture of my pedal board. This started as just a piece of carpet, then I added a base plate under the carpet, and eventually made a transport case for the board. The case also has casters on the bottom, and I can load my amp on top of it and roll it all in together. What is on the board is:
A Jim Dunlop Crybaby, to which I added a 3PDT switch to get a pure bypass, plus I added an LED light.
A Boss DS-1 distortion pedal
A Tube Screamer type of pedal I bought as a kit from and assembled,
An older Boosta Grande clean boost pedal
A Joyo JF-16 distortion pedal for a different kind of distortion effect.
An A/B switch box I made form a kit for a different pedal which did not work correctly. I use that switch mainly as a kill switch. I also plug a tuner into the “B” side.
I also have on the lower right a Bespeco amp switch. Sometimes I use a Fender Ultra Chorus, and I use that switch to change channels on the amp.
It’s not at all anything fantastic, it’s just what I have, and it works for me.