Today’s pedal line is from Philippe Herndon of Caroline Guitar Company and The Rival Brothers. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
The guitar is an 80s Japanese Fender Stratocaster with a 1983 Fender USA neck and Lindy Fralin Steel Pole 42 pickups. I ran it with a Bullet Cable coily cable to my board. First it goes to a 70s Italian Dallas Arbiter Wah Face that has been repaired multiple times and modified for true bypass and a DC power jack. Along with the ’79 modded block logo MXR Phase 100, I consider these to be my “vintage value destroyed” pieces. They are probably worthless to collectors but invaluable to me. That being said, one day they could fail or get stolen, I’ll whine and mope, and then I’ll replace them with a Teese RMC wah and a Blackout Effectors Sibling Phaser and move on with my life. It’s just gear after all, right?
The signal then goes to the Caroline Wave Cannon and Olympia pedals, then to the Boss TU-2 tuner. I run my tuner after the gain devices because (a) it’s buffered, and (b) if I get no sound to my amp, but I can tune the guitar, I know whatever problems we’re having are downstream of the tuner. From there it goes to the Jack DeVille Mod Zero, then to the Kilobyte Delay. Lastly, we have the Icarus booster, set to where I can take boost any sound I have dialed up before hitting the amp. The board is wired with Bullet Slug cables – they work well and are very easy to make. For the video, I was playing through a Fender Dual Showman head and 2×12 cab.
I’m really looking forward to the tremolo we’re working on with Resonant Amplifiers, that would be the final piece of this puzzle…for a while…until I wanted a reverb…and a low gain OD…and a looper…and an envelope filter…oh who am I kidding, it never ends, does it?
Philippe Herndon
Caroline Guitar Co