I want to start off today by saying – I’m exhausted. My son turned 12 years old on Thursday, and yesterday he had his party. We’re talking lazertag, cake and arcade games for a few hours with a bunch of other 12 year old boys. That’s usually enough to pretty much wear me down to dust, but after the party, that was followed up with a slumber party with a few of his close friends. Everyone with their iPods and laptops playing Minecraft and watching movies. I have to say, if I was 12, this would have been my jam for sure. But, these kids love to play the game of – NOT SLEEPING. So last night when they were bouncing off the walls in the late night hours, I went into my office and played guitar for hours. Just dry, sitting in my chair. Practicing some songs for an upcoming shows and learning a few songs for an upcoming tribute show with another band.
I like to play with effects (obviously), but sometimes playing dry and non-amplified, while hearing the strings buzz, is a good feeling. For some reason.. that really feels like practice. If you get the guitar and fingers sounding good at that stage, it should sound good all plugged in.
So this morning, I woke up in a haze to say the least. What better thing to do than start the morning with a little YouTube surfing. I came across this interesting video of some ambient guitar. I’m a fan of this. An amp, a guitar and some pedals. Solo. Making something. A little while back I was exploring some solo ambient stuff for myself, and it was incredibly satisfying, and I hope I can get back to it after things settle down on the guitar front for me.
So without further ado, here is a video by Alex Moore working a nice ambient piece. I thought some of you might like this:
[iframe_loader width=”425″ height=”344″ frameborder=”0″ longdesc=”” marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ name=” click_words=”” click_url=”” scrolling=”auto” src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/leWiUF3FI8I”]
He’s using some tasty gear to pull this off, and he was nice enough to let us know:
Walrus Audio Deep Six Compressor
Electro-Harmonix Micro POG
Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive
Cusack Tap a Whirl
Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man w/Tap Tempo
Digitech Hardwire RV7 Stereo Reverb
Boss DM-2 Delay
Boss RV-5 Reverb
This is all going into a Dr Z. Maz18 combo.