The other day I noticed that Pigtronix posted an interesting video on their Facebook page. It’s a video featuring Greyum May rocking some Pigtronix pedals on bass. He definitely gets some interesting bass tones. Viewing comments on YouTube, Greyum May had the following to say about the video:
At around 2:45, I switch to my 2nd loop with the Keymaster. This loop uses the Philosopher King and Disnortion. I use a regular single expression pedal to slow the pitch of the ‘FADE’ function on the Philosopher King to get things really get nasty!
At 2:00 mins in I use the Keymaster to switch on the first loop that I use. This loop contains the Mothership pedal and Tremvelope pedals. It also uses the Dual expression pedal. As I push down on the expression, the Pitch of the Whammy on the mothership gets higher as the speed of the Tremvelope gets faster.
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Here is the break down of pedals used during this video:
Pigtronix Keymaster
Pigtronix Philosopher King
Pigtronix Disnortion
Pigtronix Tremvelope
Pigtronix Mothership
Mission Engineering Expression Pedal
M-Audio EX-P Expression Pedal
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