This was a record breaker give away for Massive amounts of entries for a great pedal – the Creepy Fingers Silicon Fuzz Face. Beyond being a cool pedal it was sponsored by Fu Manchu guitarist – Bob Balch who runs Play This Riff, an absolutely great site for learning riffs/leads directly from the musicians that wrote them. If you’re into heavier music and want to pick up some tips and sharpen your skillz, you need to check out
Creepy Fingers is owned by another Fu Manchu member – Brad Davis who plays bass with the band. This particular pedal was signed by Bob and Brad, and there was even a signed vinyl of Fu Manchu as a bonus prize. Lots of reasons to get excited about this one.
So without further ado, the winner of the Play This Riff / Creepy Fingers Silicon Fuzz Face Give Away was Ray D. of Ontario, Canada! Congrats Ray! Please let us know what you think of the pedal! I’ve sent Bob your mailing information and you should hear from him shortly! Since you’re a fan of Play This Riff on Facebook, you’ll also be receiving the signed Fu Manchu vinyl as well!
For those of you that entered and didn’t win, I’ll be posting another give away soon – so please keep an eye out for that. You won’t be disappointed!