Last week I got an email from Ryan Rukavina of Rukavina Guitars letting me know about a cool video by tcelectronic. This video features Eric Baech, guitar tech of Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens of the Stone Age), and he goes over Troy’s set up. This includes his main pedal board, rack/amps and guitars.
I broke down, into detail, what was seen (since Eric doesn’t go into detail of each pedal). I have everything worked out pretty well except for two unknown pedals. They’re listed below, so if you can help shed some light, please comment below and I’ll get the list updated.
Here is the video by tcelectronic:
[iframe_loader width=”425″ height=”344″ frameborder=”0″ longdesc=”” marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ name=” click_words=”” click_url=”” scrolling=”auto” src=”″]
Below are screen snaps of the video with a break down of pedals.
Pedal Board (Floor)
Dunlop DVP1 Volume Pedal
MXR MC404 CAE Crybaby Dual Inductor Wah
Digitech Whammy
Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro
MXR Custom Audio Electronics MC-402 Boost/Overdrive
Korg Pitchblack Tuner
Way Huge Aqua-Puss MkII Analog Delay
Custom Audio Electronics G-Force Controller (Tap | A/B)
Custom Audio Electronics G-Force Controller (Tap | A/B)
Pedal Tray One
Dunlop Uni-Vibe UV1 Chorus/Vibrato Â
Boss GE-7 Equalizer
Fulltone Ultimate Octave
Way Huge WHE201 Pork Loin Soft Clip Injection Overdrive
MXR Crybaby QZ-1 Q Zone
Unknown single pedal (one knob/one switch – says “Gain”, footswitch says “MODE”)
Pedal Tray Two
Electro-Harmonix Holiest Grail
MXR M169 Carbon Copy Analog Delay
Pedal Board – Steel Guitar Board
Whirlwind Selector A/B Box
Boss TU-3 Tuner
Dunlop DVP1 Volume Pedal
Way Huge Green Rhino MkII Overdrive
Line 6 DL 4 Delay Modeler
Boss RV-5 Reverb
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2+
Korg MONOTRON 16-Key Synthesizer
If you see any errors or can help ID the missing pedals, please contact me or comment below!