Okay, we’re talking Kevin Shields this morning. If you know about My Bloody Valentine, you know they are the masters of creating sound-scapes. Kevin Shields is a true virtuoso of effects. I’ve been asked several times to feature his board, and frankly, I knew it was going to be a big task to get it together. Oddly, there aren’t many ‘recent’ photos of Kevin’s boards, but I did find some (that were posted several times in the past) by ZVex I believe. They are close ups of his three boards with a switching system. They were shot in 2008ish, so I’m sure much has changed since then.
Like I mentioned, I saw these same photos over and over, but what I didn’t see was a complete listing of pedals. This is where you can come in. I think between myself and the EffectsBay community we can come up with a complete listing of those boards and have them available in this post. I added numbers to each photo so identifying the exact location of the pedal which should make it easier. If there is a unknown pedal and you know what it is, please email me or comment below and I’ll update the post.
Here we go! Kevin’s primary board. It is important to note that these pedals are all controlled by a switching system (listed below). Click on the photo to see it larger.
Kevin Shields – My Bloody Valentine – Pedal Boards
1. Vox Tone Bender
2. HBE Home Brew Electronics Power Screamer
3. Boss DD-7 Digital Delay
4. Boss TW-1 T-Wah
5. SIB Nick Nitro Fuzz Octave
6. Roger Mayer Voodoo-1 OD
7. DigiTech JamMan
8. MIDI control box
9. Pete Cornish SS-3 OD
10. Boss AW-3 Dynamic Wah
11. Pete Cornish ST-2
12. Death by Audio Supersonic Fuzz Gun
13. Devi Ever White Spider (Effector 13 model)
14. MXR M109 6 band EQ
15. Boss DD-7 Digital Delay
16. Boss GE-7 Equalizer
17. Boss PN-2 Tremolo/Pan
18. Ibanez AD-9 Analog Delay (Keeley mod)
19. Dr. Scientist Tremolessence (v1)
20. Electro-Harmonix Triangle Big Muff
21. Electro-Harmonix Little Big Muff
22. Boss FT-2 Dynamic Filter
23. Boss AC-3 Acoustic Simulator
24. Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe
25. ZVex Box of Rock
26. Shere Sound Whirligig
27. Roger Mayer Mongoose
28. Boss GE-7 Equalizer
29. Vorg Warp Sound
30. Devi Ever Shoe Gazer Fuzz
31. Boss PS-5 Super Shifter
32. Malekko Echo 600 Dark Analog Delay
Next we have Kevin’s secondary board
1. MIDI control box
2. Digitech Whammy
3. ZVex Lo Fi Loop Junky
4. MG That’s Echo Folks
5. Lovetone Meatball
6. Death by Audio Octave Clang
This next board was referred to as the “You made me realize noise board”
1. Morley Boost Wah (actually this is a DIY wah built in a Morley Boost Wah enclosure) photo
2. Roger Mayer (spaceship) Octavia
3. Digitech Whammy
4. September Sound Envelope Filter Wah Fuzz IIKS & Fuzz
5. Devi Ever Truly Beautiful Torn’s Peaker
6. Catalinbread Ottava Magus (v1)
7. Devi Ever Godzilla Fuzz
8. Devi Ever Dream Mangler
Here is a shot of the switching system to control his main board:
Phew. That was a lot to go over. Like I mentioned above, if you can identify any of the missing pedals, please contact me or comment below! Thanks!