Here is a new pedal that some of you might really dig. I just came across this on Dunlop’s site and wanted to share. It’s the MXR M78 Custom Badass ’78 Distortion pedal. Based on the video demo below.. it’s a tasty sounding pedal with some sweet amp-like characteristics. First, here is the official description from Dunlop:
The first in a line from the MXR Custom Badass design team, the MXR Custom Badass ’78 Distortion is a factory-modded pedal that roars with huge amp stack tones and old school tube amp-like distortion.
We took a classic distortion circuit and hot-rodded it to the next level for over-the-top soaring leads and rich, saturated rhythms. With only three knobs, dialing in Badass tone is a cinch. The CRUNCH button allows you to choose between two different modes of diode and LED clipping, boosting the harmonic content of the distortion.
The ’78 Distortion’s wide open amp-like sound sounds great whether it’s in front of a clean amp, a slightly dirty amp, or a full on overdriven amp. Under the hood, this high performance machine features top notch circuitry and hardware meant for a lifetime of use.
Here is a great video by jimdunlopusa:
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You can pick up the MXR M78 Custom Badass ’78 Distortion (available again on 6/6/11) at Musician’s Friend for $79.99. There is one currently available at though.
13 years ago
Nice sounding pedal. Can’t beat the sound of a cranked amp though, but this pedal does a really good job!