I found this interesting video yesterday. It’s the Electro-Harmonix Ring Thing Modulator demo by Joshua Craig. I thought it was interesting, since his style is on the heavier side of things, and you normally don’t see Ring Thing demos showcasing this. I think some of you guys might appreciate it at the very least.
First, here is the official description on the Electro-Harmonix Ring Thing:
The Electro-Harmonix Ring Thing is a single sideband modulator, presenting state-of-the-art modulation control to allow the user to explore a new sonic world that’s both familiar and inventive. Complex modulations with interactive parameters create any sound your mind can imagine. From metallic sweeps to subtle color changes to unique and limitless modulations, the Electro-Harmonix Ring Thing effects pedal will become your sonic dream machine.
Articulate pitch shifting, preset tuning, selectable waveforms and external control delivers sound designer mystery, with a Rock and Roll edge.
The EHX Ring Thing effect pedal has four selectable modes that use either frequency or pitch shift modulation: Ring Modulation, Side Modulation, Single Sideband—Upper Band, Single Sideband—Lower Band, and Pitch Shift. The ring modulator section builds upon the original EHX Frequency Analyzer, adding to it selectable carrier waveforms, sweepable filter, presets, and expression pedal control. Single-sideband modulation is a new effect based on ring modulation but with only one band present, making it a more harmonious effect. Finally, EHX added a powerful modulatable pitch shifter to this guitar pedal that can do detune effects, vibrato, chorus, transpose, or even whammy when you use an external expression pedal.
Here is the video posted by EHX. I got a kick out of the “rock face” at 0:41 of the video. Makes me want to run a new segment on the site where people can send me their “rock face” moments! What do you think?
[iframe_loader width=”425″ height=”344″ frameborder=”0″ longdesc=”” marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ name=” click_words=”” click_url=”” scrolling=”auto” src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/tLXEbYSFyoE”]
If you’re interesting in picking up the Electro-Harmonix Ring Thing Modulator they are available for $209.25 at Musician’s Friend.
13 years ago
I love ring mods, and the Ring Thing looks to take it to a pretty cool level. I’m also of the mind that you can get most effects to work with most music if you use ’em right.