I was so caught up over the TONEbUTCHeR winner announcement, I totally forgot about Pedal Line Friday! So today is a special edition of Pedal Line Friday (think of it like breakfast for dinner, etc) is from Dean Tompkins. If you have a pedal line (doesn’t have to be in a board) for your rig, please email me a photo, bio, description of pedals and routing to pedalline@nulleffectsbay.com. Every Friday I’ll showcase a pedal line submission. Make sure you include any links to your band or music page.
hey all….so here is my new and up to date pedal board. I was on a home made board before but got a pedal train from the mother-in-law for my birthday. the hard case is so much easier for transport…I play in a metal band called Mammoth Thunderpower (slower 70’s metal) and also i have a ambient/noise/fuzz project called Sungrazerr. with the exception of a few add-on’s for Sungrazerr, (DL4, ernie ball volume pedal, assorted Tonebutcher one offs) i use this board for both.
So, the Voodoo lab pedal power 2 is powering most of these guys, mounted underneath.
In this order:
1. Boss Tu-2
2. ISP Decimator…I run it first because I’ve found that is where it’s most effective, due to my playing of hot pickups. it works really well
3. Morpheus Drop Tune…I mainly use the Octaver and the full octave down mode for a few parts of songs…it’s a fun pedal to play with.
4. Earthquaker Hoof Fuzz.. this is my main fuzz…I originally (and in the studio) use a green big muff, but i’m scared to gig with it…this fills in nicely
5. Tonebutcher Bronx Cheer..i use the sag on the pedal power for this and for the hoof…these pedals are one of a kind…i always get asked about it.
6. Big Muff Germanium4..I usually use both settings together…i use it a ton for Sungrazerr, and for the mellower fuzzes in Mammoth
7. EHX Metal Muff..mainly use this for solos and single note type of stuff….great crunch…replaced an old metal zone
8. Holy Grail Reverb…I play through an old bassman so I sometimes i need something
9. MXR Phase 90..(effects bay special) i use it in every way possible for some spaced out stuff…
10. MXR Analog Delay…same goes for this…I used it as a standard delay or twiddle the knobs to make some wild stuff….this with the octaver from the drop tune can make some of the strangest robot sounds you can imagine,…fun
For Mammoth Thunderpower I play a 90’s Les Paul Studio with a JB in the bridge and a SG with a Jon Baxter Krazytrain in the bridge. For Sungrazerr, I play a J Mascis Jazzmaster, a reissue MIJ Supersonic with a JB in it, and a 74 Gibson Grabber. I play into a 1967 Fender Bassman (ab165)with a 2×12 open back cab loaded with Eminence Governors..also a 65 Ampeg Gemini VI..all rebuilt and or built by the Tonebutcher. I have been liking these Armor Gold cables…they seem tough and hold up well… hope everyone enjoys, I’m glad we all have a site like this to help us with our addictions..
dean tompkins