A couple of days ago, I posted the review of the TONEbUTCHeR Pocket Pus. This is a very interesting pedal. When I say interesting, I’m talking how it looks.. and what it does. This thing can do some nasty nasty things…. and that might just be the thing you’re looking for. If you didn’t read/watch the review, please check it out here.
The fine folks at TONEbUTCHeR sent us the pedal, and now I’m excited to give this thing away to a lucky winner! Before I get into the details of the give away, I wanted to quickly talk about TONEbUTCHeR. The quote that I really dug, that really explains what they’re all about is:
“Experiment to Createâ€, is our model and our mantra – it is in our DNA, and that’s exactly what we want people to do with our pedals. Just mess around with them, and find and create their own new sounds, that’s also a main driver on why there are no labels or instructions.
If you’re into experimenting, and hearing something unexpected, check out TONEbUTCHeR. I’d also like to say thanks to those guys for sending the pedal our way! The Pocket Pus normally sells for $85, so this is a great chance to get one.. for FREE!
This will be a short run give away. I’ll run this for one week, since I wanted to give away a pedal for March, and I’m quickly running out of time. So how do you enter this thing?
First, this is not a requirement, but you should ‘like’ EffectsBay on Facebook. It’s good way to keep in touch with new give aways and posts. I already have one lined up for April (it’s a nice one) so you’ll want to keep in touch.
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To enter fill out the form below, in one week (March 31st) I’ll randomly pick 3 entries as finalists. I’ll email the 3 finalists and the first one out of the three that emails me back will be the winner.You must enter a ‘valid’ email address, bounce back emails will be rejected. One entry per person (seriously people.. one entry per person). After the winner has been notified and all is good (I’ve retrieved mailing address, etc), I’ll send out the pedal. Want to improve your odds? You can by joining the mailing list, you’ll have another chance to win. I’ll be pulling from the email list as well as these form submissions. If you’re already receiving the mailing list, you’re already in for the drawing! This give away is open to everyone.. yes.. international!
To enter the give away, please answer the following question: “What artist or band is the most innovative when it comes to original manipulation of their guitar/bass signal?” Tough question.. think about it.
14 years ago
really would like to try this out with my set-up and see how it works with our band….
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