So while I was taking a shower yesterday, I thought of something that might be fun for the visitors and pedal nerdlings out there. I’m thinking about creating a special post on Friday’s called ‘Pedal Line Friday‘. If you play guitar (or bass) and have some pedals on the floor, take a photo of the line up and email that to me at ( ).
Along with your photo, include the make/model of the pedals, a brief description of why you have the pedals in that order, any special settings (if you want to disclose those) and a bio. Please include a link to your band or music project page or blog, etc. My plan is to have a new post every Friday, depending if people are interested.
I think this is a great opportunity to share and learn from others. What pedals people are using, and why. It’ll be interesting to see how people are routing their pedals, and why, etc. So if you’re interested, please take a photo and email me.