Andy from (which is a great site by the way – you should definitely check it out!) took on the daunting task of quickly comparing a bunch of fuzz pedals. He doesn’t do any adjusting, just plays a simple riff through each of the pedals to give you an idea of what they’re all about. He also used the same guitar, mics and amp throughout the process, to eliminate some variables. It’s pretty cool hearing the different characteristics. Some are bright, some are dark, some are nasely, etc. There is quite an assortment of fuzzes in there. From common fuzz to some pretty obscure boxes. Fun stuff.
[iframe_loader width=”425″ height=”344″ frameborder=”0″ longdesc=”” marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ name=” click_words=”” click_url=”” scrolling=”auto” src=””]
Here are the fuzz pedals shown in the video:
Top Row
Chunk Systems Brown Dog
Chicago Iron Octavian Plus
MXR Classic 108 Fuzz (M-173)
Dunlop Fuzz Face
Guyatone Mighty Micro Torid Fuzz
Sovtek Big Muff
Middle Row
EarthQuaker Devices Tone Reaper
EarthQuaker Devices Hoof Fuzz
Barge Concepts BB Jr.
ProCo Rat2 Distortion
ZVEX Fuzz Factory
Bottom Row
Red Witch Fuzz God
Maestro Fuzz-Tone
Euthymia ICBM
Ashbass FUZZ-brite
Any fuzzes you wish were included? Personally, I would have liked to have seen the Fulltone ’69 in there.
14 years ago
And here’s the bass version:
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14 years ago
How can you make a fuzz pedal video and not include a pedal from the fuzz god herself, Devi Ever?
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14 years ago
Looks like he skipped the Chicago Iron Octavian Plus.
I too would liked to have seen some Devi Ever, as well as the Swollen Pickle and the Malekko Omicron Fuzz. I suppose one could make a video with 16 Devi Ever fuzzes all by themselves….