Today I stumbled onto a great video on DunlopTV. It’s an interview with Trace Foster, the guitar tech of Joe Perry. There are some great gear shots and discussions from backline to pedals to guitars.
Here is a shot of his pedal board (screen capture) of the video:
I was able to break down the board, but Trace skipped a few pedals including a couple I could not identify. The unidentified pedals are the narrow pedal between the Class A Boost and Klon, the pedal left of the Klon and the blue pedal above the G-Lab delay. *Update* Looks like we have them locked down. Thanks everyone!
Top row
Option 5 Destination Rotation
G-Lab Smooth Delay SD-1 (doesn’t mention it in the vid)
Line 6 DL4 Delay
G-Lab Dual Reverb DR-3
Line 6 MM4 Modulation
Guitar Synth Siren Pedal (custom pedal)
Electro-Harmonix POG Polyphonic Octave Generator (classic silver face)
Bottom row
MXR Custom Audio Electronics MC-402 Boost/Overdrive Pedal
Option 5 Destination Bump (buffer/boost)
Klon Centaur
Lovepedal Amp 50 Overdrive
Pharaoh Class-A Boost Pro
Fulltone OCD
Digitech Whammy
Dunlop JH-1B Jimi Hendrix Signature Wah
Earnie Ball Volume Pedal
Thanks for the help everyone!