One thing that seems to be unexpected for me in relation to this blog is how much more interested I’ve become with the idea of modifying pedals or building my own pedals. I’ve been kicking this idea around for years, but felt alone and with the many people I’ve met on this site, I’m feeling extremely enthusiastic.
I would say I’m ‘decent’ with a soldering iron, I like to fiddle with electronics. I can repair things on occasion, etc. I know what basic electronic components are (resistors, capacitors, etc) and know their basic function, but I definitely lack in the details, and we know that the details are important. I just recently purchased “Electronics for Dummies“, normally I hate ‘Dummies’ books, but this books great if you have a little knowledge and need to get a better understanding on Ohms law, etc.
The site I’ve been slightly obsessed with lately is Beavis Audio. I’ve been under the weather the last few days, and I’ve been taking advantage of some of that down time by checking at Dano’s site, and it’s absolutely fantastic.
If you’re interested in building or modifying pedals, please check this site out. It is full of great resources and tips. I just wanted to take a moment and acknowledge how cool it is.
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