I think I just found my early x-mas present this year. I like to work on electronics. I very rarely ever get anything work and I’m down right horrible with a soldering iron, but damn it, I’m trying! I have a feeling if I keep at it, I can be one of those electronic wizards that can create custom pedals, etc. Not sure why I want to be this so bad, but it’s true.
Anyway, I found the book titled “Electronic Projects for Musicians“, and it seems to be exactly what I’m looking for. With this, I can start to build something from scratch and learn while I’m doing it. I feel this is different than buying a kit at BYOC, this hopefully will allow me to learn what the hell I’m doing (specifically the math and rules of what resistors or capacitance I need, etc). Hmm, maybe I need a electronics for dummies book too?
Here is the official book description:
How to build pre-amps, tone controls, ring modulators, mixers, and many other inexpensive electronic accessories. Written in simple language, with hundreds of clear illustrations and step-by-step instructions.
15 years ago
Great book but note that the parts are a little old – some not available anymore. Do some research and you can probably find replacements.
You should also go to www.muzique.com and diystompboxes.com and read like crazy!
Beware! This stuff is crazily addictive.